Sunday, December 26, 2010

We Dont Need No Water.

Mexican Wrestlers take the world(by storm). Part 1.

So this past summer, on a hypothetical warm sunny day, Brendan(played by Daniel Craig, while jumping the Alps on a flaming Elephant.) looked into the Bleak Godless sky with his cold grey eyes full of lasers, and said "I need me a Mexican Wrestling Mask"(but in a totally badass british accent). And so I made some.

This Blog has templates and better instructions to making masks than I want to type.

Scroll fast to the bottom of this sequence,




El Gringo Loco. FUN FACT: Did you know that El Gringo Loco is a founder of the SPCA?...Look it up.


El Demente. I made this one for my secret buddy, on board the Pacific Swift sail training vessel.


I made this one for the Skipper of the Pacific Swift, it is adorned with a painted silouette of the Swift and a hand stitched border around the ship complete with rigging.


I spent SO long on that water!!


Well Thats the Fruits of last summer's labour. More to come.

Gramma's Necklace.

For this Holiday season (by this I mean Christams) I decided to make my Grandmother a necklace instead of buying one from the many artisans at the craft fair, and here's how it went.

I first drew a concept image then spray glued it onto a peice of nice old teak, That we had been carting around from "Hurricane" Mike about eleven years before, when we lived in Savannah Georgia. Next a 5/8th hole was drilled clean through, and filled part-way up with clear epoxy resin.
Once this had dried a cicle of Indigo dyed cotten (made by yours truly) was placed in and more resin poured on top.

One of the corners was cut out ant then thinned out in preparation of the copper inlay. The Copper was shaped, glued, and then the whole thing was sanded heavily on the belt sander to finalize the shape.

Finally we just worked our way through sizes of grit, working down to the smallest particles and the a vigorous polishing with jewlers rouge. Which led to this result.

The only Pictures I dont have are the ones of Gramma's face when she opened her gift.
Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Say Hello To My Little Friend!

Art Spotlight: A Paper sculpture of a cuttlefish, that I did for art class.
The procedure includes some mould making, and then soaking paper to lay on the mould before sticking it all in a vacum bag and sucking all the air out to make a smoothly shaped.....Fish. Anyway enoy!




A watchful eye.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Beyond Groovy.

This week on, "Robyn doesent have this recipe" we will make some easy and delicious Mug cake. Chocolate mug cake of course. For this Muglicious recipe you will need the folowing dry ingredients:


4 Tbsp. flour
4 Tbsp. sugar
2 Tbsp. cocoa
3 Tbsp. Chocolate chips (optional but a must if you want something delicious)

Aaaand the folowing wet ingredients:

1 Egg
3 Tbsp. milk
1.5 Tbsp. oil (or butter)
1.5 Tbsp. applesauce (or the like, I find it cut down on fat but still keeps it moist)
Splash of Vanilla.

And of couse the most important ingrediant of all A VERY large coffee mug.


Start by measuring and mixing together all the dry ingrediants into the mug (discluding the chocolate chips)


Next froth the egg in a separate bowl and beat in the other wet ingrediants.


Carefully pour the liquified bowl into the dry ingredients and MIX like a MADMAN. wooh!


Now add the chocolate chips.


Stir some more.


Put in the microwave 3 minutes (for a 1000 watt oven, but mine is a ghetto microwave so I put in for a half minute more)
Also dont mind the explosive stains, those werent from the cake.....mostly.


Take the cake out to cool a bit, then flip it upside down onto a plate and serve. Merry Christmas Robyn!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lets December It.

This is just a photo-showcase to keep me sane during the week. I took the pictures for my art project entitled "Death-Hippo 2000". Apparently its a vase, But you would need a whole bunch of flowers to stuff down its too big throat......Maybe I'll put a severed leg in it. You'll notice a dissapearence of one ear, on the right side. Thats cause I bit it off, when I was wrestling this Monster in a south african watering hole.
Make sure that you scroll ALL the way to the bottom, and enjoy!

Before First Firing.




First firing with underglaze painted.




The bloodied ear stump.

After the final 3rd firing with the clear glaze.




Such a manly mouth.

The EYES! They Follow Me Into INSANITY!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pelle Demands a Sacrifice.

Pelle demands a sacrfice, and his Firey wrath comes alive in this delightfully spicy sandwhich made from some leftovers (and some awsome local sauces).
When Archaeologists and anthropologists dig up the remains of my sandwich (lodged in the stomach of a fat man), they will put it in a museum. In a section entirely made out of Hi-fives.

Supa, delicious.

To make this enticing sandwhich, you will need:

(some) Leftover steak.
(2 slices) Thick cut bread.
(a bit of) onion.
(a pinch) cajun seasoning.
(a hefty layer) Spicy cheese.
(scoop) Butter or margarine.
Some soda-pop, or brown sugar
Hot Sauce!
BBQ Sauce!


First butter the slices of bread and spinkle the cajun seasoning on the outside, Put them in a frying pan that is on the stove, just until they crisp up.


Now while thats going down, take your leftover steak and cut a few nice thin slices....and smother them in bbq sauce. After the bread is done you are going to want to quickly throw the steak in the still hot pan, just to sear the sauce onto the meat. The next task is making the firey onions.


Now to do this; first cut and dice the onions, then pour them into the frying pan with a bit of water and brown sugar, or if you had any you could use some sort of pop, like orange crush or Dr.Pepper. The sugar will make the onions actually carmalize. Stir them around abit, and then load on the HOTSAUCE, until the onils are suitably orange with spicyness.


The second to last thing to do is put the cheese on the bread, Melt it in the microwave, then load it up with steak'n'onions. Finish it off with a final sprinkling of spices, before mashing together in preparation for a photo-shoot.
The last step is to EAT THE WHOLE THING.


Action shot.