Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pelle Demands a Sacrifice.

Pelle demands a sacrfice, and his Firey wrath comes alive in this delightfully spicy sandwhich made from some leftovers (and some awsome local sauces).
When Archaeologists and anthropologists dig up the remains of my sandwich (lodged in the stomach of a fat man), they will put it in a museum. In a section entirely made out of Hi-fives.

Supa, delicious.

To make this enticing sandwhich, you will need:

(some) Leftover steak.
(2 slices) Thick cut bread.
(a bit of) onion.
(a pinch) cajun seasoning.
(a hefty layer) Spicy cheese.
(scoop) Butter or margarine.
Some soda-pop, or brown sugar
Hot Sauce!
BBQ Sauce!


First butter the slices of bread and spinkle the cajun seasoning on the outside, Put them in a frying pan that is on the stove, just until they crisp up.


Now while thats going down, take your leftover steak and cut a few nice thin slices....and smother them in bbq sauce. After the bread is done you are going to want to quickly throw the steak in the still hot pan, just to sear the sauce onto the meat. The next task is making the firey onions.


Now to do this; first cut and dice the onions, then pour them into the frying pan with a bit of water and brown sugar, or if you had any you could use some sort of pop, like orange crush or Dr.Pepper. The sugar will make the onions actually carmalize. Stir them around abit, and then load on the HOTSAUCE, until the onils are suitably orange with spicyness.


The second to last thing to do is put the cheese on the bread, Melt it in the microwave, then load it up with steak'n'onions. Finish it off with a final sprinkling of spices, before mashing together in preparation for a photo-shoot.
The last step is to EAT THE WHOLE THING.


Action shot.

1 comment:

  1. Brendan, oh my goodness!
    This is fantastic! I'm totally going to have to try this at some point..or have you make it for me at christmas? :D
